Great Lakes ADA Partners

Under the leadership of the Great Lakes ADA Center, an ADA Committee representing the state’s leading business organizations, government agencies, disability rights groups and other interested parties were established for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. The Center works with the State Steering Committees and other organizations in order to provide technical assistance, trainings and materials on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and on accessible information technology.
The six states served by the center are:
The mission of the Committees is to enhance and utilize local resources, trainings, technical assistance, and conferences, in order to get voluntary compliance with the ADA. The Steering Committees, serve as a centralized and statewide vehicle that educates and promotes full implementation of the ADA throughout the state.
Each committee provides the following services at no cost:
- Education, training, and presentations
- Connection to a network of local and national agencies
- Publications with information on employment, accessibility, reasonable accommodations, etc.
In addition, the Great Lakes ADA Center has partnered with a variety of entities to conduct outreach and awareness in the area of accessible technology. The Center along with our collaborators through trainings, material dissemination and on-line resources strives to work with a variety of entities to insure that their information technology is accessible to customers, students, staff and the public with disabilities.
Illinois ADA Project
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Illinois
Illinois ADA Project Services
- Providing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) information to individuals, businesses, government, and other service organizations
- ADA Trainings for your organization
- Answers to specific ADA questions through the Illinois ADA Project Telephone Helpline or through the Project’s Website
- Resource and Referral Information
- ADA Distance Learning and other Resources through the Great Lakes ADA Center
To educate, enrich, and enlighten the people, businesses, and organizations of Illinois regarding the ADA.
Community Involvement
The Illinois ADA Project Steering Committee provides direction to the Project. The Steering Committee brings together individuals with disabilities, advocates, service providers, government agencies, educators, and businesses.
Benefits of Increased ADA Awareness
Increasing ADA awareness will lead to a society where America’s goals of freedom, equality, justice, and fairness can be attained and each individual’s uniqueness is fully appreciated and their potential realized.
Contact Information:
Illinois ADA Project
20 N. Michigan, Suite 300
Chicago, Illinois 60602
(877) 232 – 3601 (Voice)
(800) 610 – 2779 (TTY)
(312) 341-0295 (FAX)
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Indiana
ADA-Indiana serves as a centralized, statewide resource for all those interested in promoting the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Indiana. Among its many activities, ADA-Indiana provides support to several communities to host the Great Lakes ADA Audio Conference series for local residents and organizations. In addition, through ADA-Indiana’s Collaborative Community ADA Implementation Projects, it awards grants to community organizations to address local ADA issues. Other activities include coordinating Indiana’s annual ADA Celebration and providing ADA materials and technical assistance to individuals, businesses, and other community organizations.
ADA-Indiana includes representatives from state government, the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services, Indiana University, Purdue University, and disability advocacy organizations. In recent years, ADA-Indiana has added members representing business owners and Partners in Policy Making Graduates.
Contact Information:
2853 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47408-2696
(812) 855-6508 (Voice)
ADA Michigan
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Michigan
The mission of ADA Michigan is to increase the awareness and implementation of the ADA and accessible information technology by forging a partnership between the disability community and public and private business entities in Michigan. Since 1991, ADAs Michigan has provided customized training on ADA-related topics to organizations and individuals throughout the state. In addition to training, ADA Michigan participates in statewide conferences, provides technical assistance and referrals, and collaborates with other local agencies to maximize outreach opportunities. Each year, ADA Michigan distributes mini-grant funding to local agencies and individuals for projects that have the goal of increasing ADA awareness to underserved populations in Michigan. The ADA Michigan is comprised of volunteer members from the disability community, state agencies and private businesses.
Contact Information:
ADA Michigan
Daniel Cooper
AT Advocate & ADA Coordinator
Disability Rights Michigan
4095 Legacy Parkway, Suite 500
Lansing, Michigan 48911-4264
(248) 473-2990 (Voice)
(248) 473-4104 (Fax)
ADA Minnesota
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Minnesota
ADA Minnesota is a resource providing Minnesota citizens with disabilities, businesses, communities, government, universities and colleges assistance in implementing the ADA. It consists of a volunteer committee representing people with disabilities, government, businesses and non-profit organizations. Staff is housed at the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
Services ADA MN provides to individuals, organizations, and businesses at no cost include:
- Technical assistance and information about what the ADA covers and what is required for compliance
- Education, trainings, conferences, and presentations
- Mini-grants to implement the ADA in diverse communities
- Publications with information on employment, accessibility, reasonable accommodations and more
- Connections to a network of local and national agencies
- Resources on accessible information and electronic technology in education centers
Contact Information:
ADA Minnesota
530 Robert Street North
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
651-646-8342 (Voice)
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Ohio
The ADA Access Ohio offers training and technical assistance throughout the State of Ohio on the Americans with Disabilities Act. We are a division of The Center for Disability Empowerment which is a community-based, non-residential center. Access Ohio is an affiliate of the Great Lakes ADA Center with funds provided by the National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and Research (NIDRR) Grant #90DPAD0012.
Contact Information:
Access Ohio c/o The Center for Disability Empowerment
510 E. North Broadway, 4th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43214
614-575-8055 (Voice)
ADA Wisconsin Partnership
Introduction | Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin
ADA 30th Anniversary #ThanksToTheADA Wisconsin
The ADA Wisconsin Partnership is a resource in Wisconsin for citizens, communities, government agencies, schools and and businesses to increase their awareness and understanding of the americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The Partnership is comprised of a statewide coalition of people with disabilities, business groups and government agencies that work together to promote the full implementation of the ADA in Wisconsin.
The ADA Wisconsin Partnership is here to:
- help you understand your rights or responsibilities covered under the ADA;
- help you find solutions by providing technical assistance about the ADA;
- send you the most current information about the ADA;
- help you find local resources to address various ADA; issues and requirements;
- provide or support ADA trainings, awareness and in-service opportunities for your business, agency or group.
Contact Information:
ADA Wisconsin Partnership