
Great Lakes Listserv

The Great Lakes ADA Center hosts a listserv for the dissemination of information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. This listserv is a list of individuals who will automatically receive email on the ADA.

You are invited to subscribe to the list. Information is posted by the Center as well as other individuals who work directly with the Center through the State Steering Committees, Centers for Independent Living and other disability organizations, business organizations, government entities (Federal, State, Local) and other interested parties.

The list is moderated and maintained by the Staff of the Great Lakes ADA Center. Information may include but is not limited to the following:

  • Updates regarding new or revised regulations,
  • new or revised technical assistance materials,
  • training events and information about related laws (IDEA, FMLA, 504, Workers Compensation, etc.),
  • local or national ADA related activities or reference and referral information.