ADA Celebrations and Events

Great Lakes Area Celebration Events




  • What: Virtual event in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • When: virtual events July 24th – September 27, 2020
  • Where: Online
  • Contact: Disability Network Southwest Michigan at 269-345-1516
  • Description: From Disability Rights to Disability Justice is looking for people who want to connect their work to the disability community at large. We are going to celebrate ADA Everyday with virtual events July 26th – September 28th. We know that disability history is important, but we also know that few people, except those in academia or who were a part of it, know much about it. Would you like to do a short presentation via Zoom with a discussion afterwards? We can’t offer any money, but you are welcome to promote your work. These are not corporate/university sponsored events; they are a creation of the disability community
  • Website: If you are interested, please send an email to Susan Fitzmaurice Phone: (517) 432-5134 or Read more about the events at

Virtual events Schedule Michigan ADA 30th Anniversary Celebration:

July 26, 2PM – Welcome. Orientation to event. COVID-19 MemorialsJuly 27th, 2PM – Using Zoom, accessibility features

July 28, 2PM – Petra Kuppers, Gut Botany, disability culture & poetry

July 30, 7PM – Devva Kasnitz, Society for Disability Studies, What is disability Studies?

July 31, 2PM – John McCarty & Dana Lloyd, The Georgia Advocacy Office, Supported Decision Making

August 1, 7PM Virtual Dance

August 2, 2PM Film – Intelligent Lives with talk back

August 3, 2PM – COVID-19 Self-careAugust 4, 2PM – Daniel Cascardo, muralist

August 5, 2PM – Sheryl Ellis. ADA Title 1: Managing Your Health Condition Workplace Accommodations

August 6, 7PM – Pamela Block,Allison Carey, & Richard Scotch, Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities

August 7, 2PM – Amy Maes,Oakland Macomb Disability Network , Service Animals

August 8, 7 PM – Virtual Dance

August 9, 2PM – Film- Piss on Pity: the Story of ADAPT

August 10, Michelle Nario-Redmond,Ableism The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice

August 11, 2PM – The Big Reveal! The art of Daniel Cascardo and You!

August 12, 2PM COVID-19 – Documents, forms, records – What you must keep handy on a moment’s notice!

August 13, 7PM – Lydia X.Z. Brown, What is Disability Justice?

August 14, 2PM – Peter Berg Great Lakes ADA Ct & Brad Hastings,Disability Network W. Michigan , ADA Title II

August 15, 7 PM – Virtual Dance

August 16, FILM – TBAAugust 17, TBA

August 18, 2 PM Jill Vyn & Chris Smit,DisArt

August 19, 2PM Steven Brown ,Institute on Disabilty Culture , What is Disability Culture?

August 20, 2PM Jody Conradi Stark,Creative Arts Therapies , COVID-19 Self-Care: Using Music and the Arts to cope

August 21, 2PM Laurel Daen, Disability Activism in Colonial America

August 22, 7PM Dance

August 23, FILM – TBA

August 24, TBA

August 24, TBA

August 26, TBA

August 27, 2PM Jaipreet Virdi,Hearing Happiness , Deaf history and technology

August 28, Poetry JamAugust 29, Tom Olin, Photojournalist of the disability movement (tentative date)

August 30, 7 PM Virtual Dance

August 31, FILM TBA

September 2, 2PM David T, Mitchell and Cameron Snyder Mitchell will do a talk back after the preview of their new film about the T-4 Nazi Holocaust.

September 3, 2PM Dessa Cosma,Detroit Disability Power, How to include people with disabilities in mainstream disability activism




  • What: The Eighth Annual Disability Pride Festival
  • When: We will be hosting virtual opportunities now through the month of August
  • Where: Virtual
  • Website:


  • What: Crip Camp: The Official Virtual Experience 2020
  • When: May 17th to August 20th 2020
  • Where: Online/ Zoom Platform
  • Description: The Crip Camp Impact Campaign is proud to announce the Official Virtual Experience! We are inviting all grassroots activists and advocates to join us this summer for a virtual camp experience featuring trailblazing speakers from the disability community. All are welcome, you do not need any activism experience to participate.
  • Register:

Job Accommodation Network

  • What: ADA Update
  • When: Tuesday July 14, 2020 at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time
  • Where: Webcast Online
  • Description: Join the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and JAN as representatives provided participants with the latest developments in the application of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the workplace, some practical tips for compliance, and answers to tough ADA questions.
  • Presenters: Linda Carter Batiste, Principal Consultant/Legislative Specialist and EEOC Representative
  • Website:

U.S. Access Board

Board to Celebrate the ADA’s 30th Anniversary at Virtual Meeting in July

The Access Board will conduct a virtual meeting on July 29 from 1:30 – 3:00 (ET) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. The event, which will be open to the public, will focus on how the ADA has reshaped the American landscape and the design of facilities and sites, transportation systems, and information and communication technologies. Guest speakers and Board representatives will recall what our world was like before the ADA, review achievements under the ADA in advancing accessible design, and look ahead to new accessibility frontiers, challenges, and solutions over the next 30 years. The Board will provide further details on this event and how to attend on its website and by email.

  • What: Celebrate Disability Pride Month and the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • When: July 10 to July 30, 2020
  • Where: Online WebcastWebsite:

  • What: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) announced plans for a yearlong celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • When: Yearlong Celebration
  • Where: Virtual
  • Website: